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The Bold Women of Breast Cancer

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By Kathy Korman Frey

It’s National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. One out of every eight women are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. The Hot Mommas Project honors four bold women of breast cancer who are creating awareness, comfort, funds, and fight to benefit all of us.

Saranne Rothberg, Founder @ComedyCures

Saranne Rothberg is the founder of @ComedyCures, and a breast cancer survivor. While in the midst of her own treatment, she had the idea for her charity which brings laughter and support to patients, medical teams, and caregivers. Saranne is the founding winner of the Hot Mommas Project case competition, a nationally-award winning women’s leadership venture providing access to role models and mentors to women and girls. Read her story here. Saranne in “Radical Remission” [book & video].

Susan Niebur, NASA Astrophysicist

Susan NieburSusan Niebur, a former NASA astrophysicist diagnosed with IBC (Inflammatory Breast Cancer). When diagnosed, Susan made it a personal mission to educate women about the rare but aggressive form of cancer.  While Susan lost her battle with IBC, a battle she had detailed on her blog Toddler Planet. Her impact continues. An award was created at NASA in her name. Susan was bold and inspirational in her career, and in her fight against cancer. See our tribute to her here. Winners of the NASA Susan Mahan Niebur Early Career Award.

Jill Frey, Breast Cancer Fundraiser and Activist

Jill Frey – my sister in law – is one of the toughest chicks I know. She is a breast cancer survivor and continues to fight tirelessly for the cause, with friends, family, fundraising, and serving as one of the founding members of the Young Survival Coalition. (Scroll down to see her featured on the Hot Mommas Project   alphabetical judges list). Here, find a shout out to Jill.


Julie Rubinstein, Chief Business Officer at Adaptive Technologies.

Julie Rubinstein, one of the senior executives at Adaptive Biotechnologies, is part of the solution. The over-simplifed version: Adaptive develops products that use the immune system to fight cancer. We’re inspired by Julie’s personal commitment to the field, and her crusade against cancer.  This is the future, and we’re glad to have Julie on the leading edge, and in our corner.


For more inspirational women in the breast cancer field, click here.

The Hot Mommas Project is the nationally award-winning world’s largest women’s case study library providing worldwide access to role models and mentors for women and girls.